Dave House

Hey, I’m Dave House 👋

Design System Specialist and Accessibility Designer from just outside of London.

Currently working as the Lead Designer for the LBG Design System.

Previously: Lead Designer on the BT / EE Design System and Senior Interaction Designer on the founding team for the GOV.UK Design System.

Personal Design Principles

  1. Don’t waste peoples time
  2. Don’t leave people out
  3. Content first, always
  4. Know the cost of growth
  5. Be the voice of the user


Accessible cross-platform UI standards

A collection of standards, rationale and approach to designing UI elements across both web and native software platforms.


For a few more blogs about Design Systems (and old Volkswagens) visit my Medium profile.


Here’s a talk called "Industrial Design Systems" I gave at Zeroheight’s Converge conference in 2022. It’s about the boundaries of Design Language and Desigm Systems through the lens of automotive design and manufacturing.